I'm Melanie, a 40-year-old mother of 6. We live on a small hilltop farm in Ontario, Canada where we do everything the hard way, the old way - we don't even have a tractor! My passions in life are my family, my animals, my garden, and my crafts. Some of this helps me earn my living, some of it is just for love. I believe in creating a wholeness in my life whereby the line between work and play is decidedly blurred.
Really this whole Website is a kind of bio, it contains all the info that I give out repeatedly, and I've begun to organize this into a sort of "Guide to Melanie's way of life", not that I am suggesting you copy it...you'd have to be NUTS. But it works for us, and if there's anything here that can be useful for you, go right ahead and grab it.
I haven't pulled any punches on my opinions here, I'm allowed to speak my mind and be controversial on my own Website:) Just remember that there is always more than one way to do anything, and what is right for me may not be for you.