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Health Care Professionals Case
Men's Action
Foreskin Restoration
The real reason for circumcision in North America
Long-Term Effects of Circumcision
The infection theory undone
Genital Mutilation in General
A doctor's Testimony
The End of Circumcision?
Here's a controversial issue for you. To cut or not to
cut. It wasn't an issue I even addressed until I arrived
in Canada 8 years ago. In England very few gentiles are
circumcised, and to be perfectly honest, I had never seen
a cicumcised penis until I saw friends young sons here.
Shocked? I was horrified. My immediate knee-jerk reaction
was that this was barbaric, cruel, and ridiculous. But
I'm an intelligent woman and I don't always rely on
knee-jerk reactions, besides, there had be a good reason
why thousands of North Americans would have this
procedure performed on their baby sons. I had to meet a
lot of people, read a lot of books, and research all the
information available before I arrived at my current
So now you know where I stand on the issue.
Let's examine the reasons I've been given for having this
1. It's hygenic.
2. Daddy is circumcised.
3. My parents wanted me to have it done.
4. To save having it done when he's older if he has an
5. The doctor told me to.
There are others, but these are the most common. So....
"It's Hygenic"
Well, it would also be much easier to keep your
fingernails clean if you had them all removed at birth,
but just like the foreskin, they are there for a purpose,
in this instance to protect your fingertips. The foreskin
is there to protect the very sensitive end of the penis.
It is not a redundant body part. Keeping it clean is no
more difficult that any other daily hygiene practise we
observe, such as teeth brushing, or ear cleaning. In
England, where most boys are not circumcised, there
should be an epidemic of foreskin infections if hygiene
were an issue. This is not the case. Where an infection
does occur it is very easy to cure, just like any other
infection. Ear infections are far more common and far
more dangerous and difficult to cure. Why not cut off
your baby son's ears?
"Daddy is Circumcised"
Daddy was probably spanked as a child. Daddy probably was
given solid food way too young and all the wrong foods
growing up and may now have digestive problems as a
result. Daddy may well have grey hair, teeth full of
fillings, zits, wrinkles, or even a broken nose. Do you
want your child to be the same as him there too? This is
a cycle that needs to be broken or your children may be
using the same excuse.
"My Parents Wanted Me To Have It Done"
Whose baby is this? Yours or theirs? Did they choose his
name for you? His clothes, his bedroom decor? This is far
more personal. It's no-one else's business but yours, not
even mine (i.e. if you feel so strongly that you do want
to do it, ignore MY advice not to, because it's YOUR
"To save having it done when he's older if he has an
If he DOES get a serious infection later in life that
only surgery can solve (there is one condition where the
foreskin shrinks and becomes too tight to retract) then
they can cut a v-shaped nick in it to release the
tightness. End of problem. (N.B. This condition is caused
by over-enthusiastic cleaning!) The vast majority of
infections can be easily cured. Most require no more than
a topical ointment used for a week or two. Some will even
go away on thir own. Circumcision for medical reasons
being the only solution is almost as rare as
rocking-horse manure. Doctors who tell you otherwise are
just scalpel-junkies who would also do unnecessary
surgery elsewhere, without considering other options.
Think about the other things he may need surgery for:
appendicitis, gall-bladder disease, ingrowing toenails,
impacted wisdom teeth, etc etc. Are you planning on
having any of these done as a precaution? These are all
far, far more common than serious foreskin disease.
"The doctor told me to"
Question his motives. Does he get paid for it? Hasn't he
read all the latest recommendations that tell you NOT to
have your baby circumcised? My doctor is Jewish yet still
advises against it strongly on medical grounds. Also see
number 3.
I have presented a case that this procedure is
UNNECESSARY. I would now like to go into detail about why
I think it is a BAD idea.
1. Your baby boy is perfect just as he is.
2. The surgery can go wrong.
3. The foreskin is not a redundant body part.
4. It isn't your foreskin.
Your baby boy is perfect just as he
Whether you are religious or not I have a reason for you.
Choose one.
If God had wanted your child to be circumcised he'd have
been born without a foreskin.
If nature had intended your child to be circumcised he'd
have been born without a foreskin.
The surgery can go wrong. I have stopped short of
uploading pictures of botched circumcisions where the
baby was disfigured, and some cases where he lost his
penis. If you want the URL to a very graphic site about
this I will e-mail it to you. I
have no statistics but these cases would appear to be
more common than naturally occuring problems.
The foreskin is not a redundant
body part.
It is designed to protect the end of the penis, which
spends its life being chafed by clothing. The foreskin
also keeps it moist. Imagine eyes without eyelids or a
mouth that never closed. Membranes such as these dry out
and harden without their protective covers. Do they work
as well then? Of course not!! There are parts you can
live without, but you are far better off with, and this
is one of them.
It isn't your foreskin.
What will you do if later on, your son demands to know
why you removed a piece of his body without his
permission? What if the world is such a crazy place by
then that he sues you for it, or calls it child abuse?
How would you feel if part of you had been taken away
before you were old enough to object? Some men have
foreskin reconstruction surgery. It is difficult,
expensive, and painful. I wonder what their opinion of
their parents is?
Remember, this is MY opinion. If you are pregnant,
especially if you know your baby is a boy, or if you are
planning on parenthood in the future, do your own
research, there is plenty of information available on the
subject. Your baby boy is yours, and he is perfect.