Breast or Bottle?

ADHD-The Ritalin Alternative

Asperger's Syndrome


First Solids


Ear Infections



More Topics to Come!!


Let Me Tell You A Story

When I was growing up I wanted a little boy one day, and I would call him Martin. I had very little other plans in my life but this much I knew. Time went by and instead I married a Martin, and we were not interested then in having children at all. Time went by and I became more and more suspicious of children, and had some very strong ideas and opinions about other peoples children, and how they should be brought up. Time went by and we had a little boy and we called him Alexander Martin. And I was the happiest woman alive. He was a wonderful baby so we had another straight away. My children were great and I knew everything there was to know about raising them of course, and I had very strong ideas and opinions about other peoples children.....Time Went By...

Now I have six children. I love them all very much but....have my strong ideas and opinions ever changed!! I have had some challenges with them over the years, and while Alexander Martin is now 18 and turning out just fine, I have learned so much.....

I have been told by many friends to write a book. Maybe I will, one day, when they've all got children of their own and I can REALLY see the results of my work. But I'm still on that journey currently, my youngest is almost five, and I have REVISED ideas and opinions I'd like to share with you. I welcome your feedback. If you like anything I say, or if you hate it, please feel free to e-mail me and I will reply to you. Remember, these are my OPINIONS, and information I have learned from my own experience. The most important things of all that I have learned are:

1. Every child is different.
2. Every parent is different.
3. This too shall pass.

Wherever you are on the exciting adventure that is parenting I wish you joy.

Very important:
Anything you read in these pages of a medical, nutritional, or otherwise potentially life-threatening nature should be carefully researched, and checked out by a health care professional if need be. I am NOT a doctor, and I am NOT a child psychologist. I am a Mom, who has tried hard and frequently succeeded, and if I can help anyone by sharing my tales, then my work here is worthwhile.